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MC Central: SIL - teachers

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Divergent thinking

Convergent and divergent thinking - explanation and ideas


Ted talk - Reimagining classrooms

Ted talk - students as teachers

George Courus

Peer teaching professional reading

Peer teaching advantages and disadvantages - blog with some background about success and cautions. Some strategies also discussed.

Students teaching students and student engagement - classroom experiences and ideas

What is peer learning and why is it important - discussion from Stanford University



Students as faciitators - research paper from 2015


6 Online Collaborative Tools to Engage Students in Teamwork

Nothing is more frustrating to a teacher than lack of attention from students. You have spent several weeks or even months working on some project that you thought would be a breakthrough, but nothing happens.

Deeper Learning: A Collaborative Classroom Is Key

Deciding on group norms, or agreements, right from the get-go will give each student a voice and provide accountability for all. Although Thinking Collaborative's " Seven Norms of Collaboration " (pdf) are designed to be used with adult groups, you can use them to inspire age-appropriate norms. Children (depending on the age) might come up with things like "one person talks at a time," "respect each other and all ideas," and "no put downs."