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Get creative with animal art

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Owl Dreaming (self portrait)

Bede Tungutalum is an Australian Aboriginal artist from the Tiwi Islands which is off the coast of Darwin.

Read about the Tiwi Islands

Read about the artist

Discuss how an Aboriginal (Tiwi) artist has represented himself as a bird

1) What bird has Bede Tungutalum chosen?

2) What things, lines or patterns in the image remind you of an owl?

3) Why do you think Bede Tungutalum has represented himself as an owl?

In some cultures animals can represent different personal qualities.

What animals would you associate with being:







Which animal do you identify with?


Explore animals that say something about yourself – Write a list of the animals with their meanings.

Resources: animal meanings animal totems

Create your own animal artwork to represent your individual characteristics.


Australian bushfires and impacts on tourism

The 2020 Olympic Games

Lesson source:

Play Pictogram Kahoot

Complete the Pictogram cross-word (bottom of page)

Think of a sport that isn't in the Olympic games and design your own pictogram for that sport.

New sports at the 2020 Olympic Games






There are five new sports on the programme at Tokyo 2020. They are surfing, sport climbing, skateboarding, karate, and baseball (men) / softball (women). Choose one of these new sports and complete the following questions for one of the sports:

Why has this sport been included in the Olympics? 

Describe what spectators will see when they watch this sport in Tokyo. 

Which countries are likely to do the best in this sport? Why? 

What is the history of this sport? 

What are some of the rules of this sport? 

What equipment do athletes need in this sport? 


Video games: Benefits vs harm


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List some reasons why video games are important in peoples lives.

Complete the following video game audit.

1. Write down all the devices on which you have played video games. 

2. List the names of each game you have played in the last week.

3. Write down when you played video games during the last week and for how long (as best as you can remember).

4) Once you are done, please calculate and write down the total amount of time (in hours) you played. 


Read the document 'Video games can do what?' and the following websites to produce a list of positives and negatives for playing video games.

The story behind mobile phones and sustainability

What are some environmental issues in the production of mobile phones.


List the steps involved in making a mobile phone.

Take the quiz in the following website.

What is Liam?

How does Liam help sustainability?

Who is Daisy and what does she do?


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Richard May