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Mt Kosciuszko: Home

Endangered animals

Pygmy possum

For your search use Yippy search engine Yippy search

Use a combination of the following keywords to find information on Pygmy possums in Mt Kosciuszko. Use the quotation marks "   " with your search. This tells the search engine that you only want information that includes all the key words.

"Pygmy possum Mt Kosciuszko"

"Pygmy possum recovery plan"

"Pygmy possum conservation"

"Pygmy possum endangered"


Aboriginal spirituality and connection

Renaming Mt Kosciuszko


For your search use Yippy search engine Yippy search

Use a combination of the following keywords to find information on the renaming of Mt Kosciuszko. Use the quotation marks "   " with your search. This tells the search engine that you only want information that includes all the key words.

"Mt Kosciuszko renaming"

Mt Kosciuszko Aboriginal name"

"Mt Kosciuszko dual name"

"Mt Kosciuszko name controversy"

Tourism - Hiking and skiing

Environmental impact hiking


For your search use Yippy search engine Yippy search

Use a combination of the following keywords to find information on the impact of hiking at Mt Kosciuszko. Use the quotation marks "   " with your search. This tells the search engine that you only want information that includes all the key words.

"Mt Kosciuszko hiking environmental impact"

"Mt Kosciuszko National Park hiking"

"Mt Kosciuszko remote camping"

"Minimal impact hiking camping"


Endangered animals

Bogong moth

For your search use Yippy search engine Yippy search

Use a combination of the following keywords to find information on the Bogong moth in Mt Kosciuszko. Use the quotation marks "   " with your search. This tells the search engine that you only want information that includes all the key words.

"Mt Koscouszko Bogong moth"                  "Bogong moth light pollution"  

"Bogong moth habitat"                                "Bogong moth endangered" 

Aboriginal spirituality and connection

Aboriginal spirituality

For your search use Yippy search engine Yippy search

Use a combination of the following keywords to find information on Brumbies in Mt Kosciuszko. Use the quotation marks "   " with your search. This tells the search engine that you only want information that includes all the key words.

"Aboriginal people Mt Kosciuszko"

"Mt Kosciuszko Aboriginal spirituality"

"Mt Kosciuszko National Park Aboriginal"

"Bundian way"

"Walgal People"

"Ngarigo People"

Colonial heritage


For your search use Duck duck go search engine Yippy search

Use a combination of the following keywords to find information on brumbies in Mt Kosciuszko. Use the quotation marks "   " with your search. This tells the search engine that you only want information that includes all the key words.

"Mt Kosciuszko brumbies"

"Mt Kosciuszko brumbies management"

"Mt Kosciuszko brumbies environmental damage"

"Snowy Mountains feral horses"