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Movement of peoples (1750-1901), Depth study 1: Making a better World: Home

Students investigate the movements of people from 1750-1901, including how life changed in the period, the causes and affects of development, and the Australian experience.

Teacher Resources


"Convicts to Australia" is intended to guide, inform and entertain those just starting the hunt as well as the more experienced researcher. This site contains tabs to investigate specific convicts' stories, creating a convict journey and more.


This information from the Library of Congress covers how convicts and free settlers developed the nation of Australia.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Britannica Digital Learning- a list of Industrial Revolution websites that Encyclopaedia Britannica recommend.

South Pacific Islands (Blackbirding) Indentured Labourers


This WebQuest contains everything you will need to teach this topic. The links are fantastic and particularly relevant.


Digital Resources on movements of peoples

This truly interactive site requires students to make decisions about various aspects of industrial growth, informing them of the consequences along the way. In 'Muck and Brass' you will have to imagine you are running a city at the height of the Industrial Revolution, and make choices regarding the welfare of your workforce and the prosperity of your business.

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This powerpoint provides a written summary of both the first and second industrial revolutions with some good photos (primary sources) to appeal to your visual learners. 


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This powerpoint utilises many original photographs which would allow teachers to discuss the key features while showing the visual aids.


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This site is a BBC News article that discusses slave transportation out of Africa and also has an Interactive map link on the Abolition of British slavery.

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YouTube videos