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Ancient Religions curated by Suzanne Penson: Home

Discover the Religions of Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt

Egyptian Religion

Digital resources


Search Encyclopaedia Britannica for excellent information. Click the logo above, you will be taken to the library moodle page. Use "Egyptian Religion" as your search term. Access the Level 3 tab for the best resources for your task.

Good information can be found within these websites.

BBC Egyptian gods

BBC Ancient Egyptian magic

Bristish Museum Egyptian religion

Overview of Ancient Egyptian religion

PBS Egypt New Kingdom

Gods and godesses

Egyptian religion




Roman Religion

Digital Resources

Britannica access via library moodle scroll down to find link

Search Encyclopaedia Britannica for excellent information. Click the logo above, you will be taken to the library moodle page. Use "Roman Religion" as your search term. Access the Level 3 tab for the best resources for your task.

Good information can be found within these websites.

BBC Roman religion gallery

Forum roman

PBS Roman religion

Roman paganism

Roman religion

Roman Deities

Roman mythology



Books in our library

Books available from the library

Egypt Books

Roman books

Books available from the library

Greek Books

Greek Religion

Digital resources

Britannica access via library moodle scroll down to find link


Search Encyclopaedia Britannica for excellent information. Click the logo above, you will be taken to the library moodle page. Use "Greek Religion" as your search term. Access the Level 3 tab for the best resources for your task.

Good information can be found within these websites.

British Museum Gods and goddesses

Greek gods and religious practices

Theoi Greek mythology

Ancient Greek world

Video Resources


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Search for these videos about Ancient Religions

Living in Ancient Egypt

Living in Ancient Greece

The Lost gods: the Egyptians